Sunday, June 1, 2008

Malach IV

Thunder and lightning. Howling winds. Storm. Outside the Hall the Air elements rage violently, while here inside my own mood isn't much better. You, my siblings, would say that since I am an Elementalist I should be able to quell this storm outside easily.

In truth, I cannot. Everyone knows about the opposites of Fire and Water, of Earth and Air - but they forget that these aren't all, that opposites equally exit between Earth and Water, and Fire and... Air.


The one element I cannot work with. Fire I am Master of. Earth, Water I can both handle. But Air, ah - that always eludes me. It doesn't help that whenever I encounter it my heart aches.

I know you, brother, sister, believe I was in Istan four years ago on family business. I was, at first. In Kamadan I spoke to the Scribe father wanted information from. It was gotten easily, so I had some days until the ship left again for the Battle Isles. I could have used the Staff to travel, true - but I wanted to explore this Jewel of Istan for a while.

Hah, such a wrong name for the city. For in it I saw the true Jewel of Istan.


Malikat Saba she told me her name was, to my stuttering question. She smiled slightly at me, and then asked me mine. Her exotic accent made my name sound like music as she repeated my answer. We spend that day, and all after it, together in Kamadan. I thought it would last forever.

But it could not last.

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